> > When I used CentOS osds, and tried to rbd map from arch linux or fedora,
> > I would get "rbd: add failed: (34) Numerical result out of range".  It
> > seemed to happen when the tool was writing to /sys/bus/rbd/add_single_major.
> > If I rebuild the osds using fedora (20 in this case), everything
> > works fine.
> > Is that expected?
> No, it's most certainly not expected.  If you are willing to help debug this,
> let's start with the output of 'rbd info'.  Return to the failing setup, do
> 'rbd map <image>', make sure it fails, and, on the same box, do 'rbd info
> <image>'.

Thank you for the reply.  I don't have access to the exact same
configuration at the moment, so I tried mimicking the setup with virtual
machines, and everything worked correctly.  Perhaps I just did something
dumb on the real boxes.

It might be next week before I get another chance to play with it,
but I will try to rebuild it just like I did before at work, and
see if I run into the same problem, or if it really was just me.


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