 I am really newbie on ceph.
 I was trying to deploy a ceph-test on SL6.2, package installation has been
 I have create a initial cluster with 3 machines (cephadm, ceph02 and
ceph03), ssh passwdless using ceph user is ok

 using a config file: cephcloud.conf

auth_service_required = cephx
filestore_xattr_use_omap = true
auth_client_required = cephx
auth_cluster_required = cephx
mon_host =,,  # are the correct internal ip
mon_initial_members = cephadm, ceph02, ceph03
fsid = eaf41d58-9014-4575-97fe-14cc104a3221

pakage installation using the ceph-deploy is OK:
 Running command: sudo ceph --version
[ceph02][DEBUG ] ceph version 0.80.1

But when I try to start the mon they never come online:

using cehp-deploy --cluster cephcloud mon create-initial

[cephadm][INFO  ] Running command: sudo /sbin/service ceph -c
/etc/ceph/cephcloud.conf start mon.cephadm
[cephadm][INFO  ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=cephcloud
--admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/cephcloud-mon.cephadm.asok mon_status
[cephadm][ERROR ] admin_socket: exception getting command descriptions:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory
[cephadm][WARNIN] monitor: mon.cephadm, might not be running yet

The same using the ceph-deploy --cluster=cephcloud mon create cephadm

running directly the command:
sudo /sbin/service ceph -c /etc/ceph/cephcloud.conf start mon.cephadm

[ceph@cephadm ceph-cloud]$ sudo /sbin/service ceph -c
/etc/ceph/cephcloud.conf start mon.cephadm
[ceph@cephadm ceph-cloud]$ sudo /sbin/service ceph --verbose -c
/etc/ceph/cephcloud.conf start mon.cephadm
/usr/bin/ceph-conf -c /etc/ceph/cephcloud.conf -n mon.cephadm "user"

/var/log/ceph/cephcloud-mon.cephadm.log is empty

The same is happening on the other two test machines (ceph02 and ceph03)

What am I doing wrong?

regards, I

*"El problema con el mundo es que los estúpidos están seguros de todo y los
inteligentes están llenos de dudas*"
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