
I tried the ceph packages from jessie, too. After some time penetrating
Google I think I found the solution. This will probably work for all package

You have to create an empty marker file named 'sysvinit' in the directories
below /var/lib/ceph/XXX. Then everythink works fine.

ceph-deploy will create those files for you depending on the init
system for the monitors:

$ ls /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node1/
done  keyring  store.db  upstart
$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l

And the same would happen for OSDs (upstart file is there):
$ ls /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/
activate.monmap  active  ceph_fsid  current  fsid  journal  keyring
magic  ready  store_version  superblock  upstart  whoami

The output in ceph-deploy that tells you what init system will be used is this:

[ceph_deploy.osd][INFO  ] Distro info: Ubuntu 12.04 precise
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] activating host node1 disk /home/vagrant/foo
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] will use init type: upstart

Can you share your ceph-deploy output as you are deploying your OSDs?

Sorry for the late reply.

I deleted my ceph setup I created with ceph-deploy. So I cannot give you the info you requested. Perhaps I will create another setup using some virtual maschines ...

I found some time to work on my 'manually' created setup (Wheezy, Ceph Firefly repositories). Everything works fine and after manually creating the empty 'sysvinit' files in the data dirs of the daemons, I am able to start/stop the daemons on the same host. In my opinion the sysvinit files should be mentioned in the manual install section of the documentation.

One problem remains:

At the moment my ceph.conf file does not contain any configuration for the single daemons, just a [global] section. The docs mention the allhosts switch -a that doesn't work for me. I tried to add daemon specific sections in the config file (host entries), but that made no difference. Is the -a switch still supported for sysvinit? What entries do I have to put into the config to remotely start/stop services?

It would be nice to start/stop the ceph cluster from a single host.

Thanks in advance.


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