By default the setup would put all data below a directory called 
“dev” in the source tree.  In that case you’re using a single spindle.  The 
vstart script isn’t intended for performance testing.

David Zafman
Senior Developer

On Jul 2, 2014, at 5:48 PM, Zhe Zhang <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I run ceph on a single node which contains 25 hard drives and each @7200 RPM. 
> I write raw data into the array, it achieved 2 GB/s. I presumed the 
> performance of ceph could go beyond 1 GB/s. but when I compile and ceph code 
> and run development mode with, the average throughput is only 200 
> MB/s for rados bench write.
> I suspected it was due to the debug mode when I configure the source code, 
> and I disable the gdb with ./configure CFLAGS=’-O3’ CXXFLAGS=’O3’ (avoid ‘–g’ 
> flag). But it did not help at all.
> I switched to the repository, and install ceph with ceph-deploy, the 
> performance achieved 800 MB/s. Since I did not successfully set up the ceph 
> with ceph-deploy, and there are still some pg at “creating+incomplete” state, 
> I guess this could impact the performance.
> Anyway, could someone give me some suggestions? Why it is so slow when I run 
> from
> Best,
> Zhe
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