Sorry for missing subject.

On 08/21/2014 03:09 PM, Paweł Sadowski wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to start Qemu on top of RBD. In documentation[1] there is a
> big warning:
>     Important
>     If you set rbd_cache=true, you must set cache=writeback or risk data
>     loss. Without cache=writeback, QEMU will not send flush requests to
>     librbd. If QEMU exits uncleanly in this configuration, filesystems
>     on top of rbd can be corrupted.
> But in last part of that page there is written that Qemu command line
> override ceph.conf settings and setting *cache=writethrough* will force
> *rbd_cache**=**true* and *rbd_cache_max_dirty=0*. In that configuration
> rbd will write directly to Ceph and there is no risk of data loss
> (except for things cached in VM OS). Am I right or am I missing something?
> 1:
> Thanks,
> PS

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