Results are with HT enabled. We are yet to measure the performance with HT 
No, I didn't measure I/O time/utilization.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrey Korolyov []
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 1:03 AM
To: Somnath Roy
Cc: Haomai Wang;
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] [Single OSD performance on SSD] Can't go over 3, 2K 

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Somnath Roy <> wrote:
> Thanks Haomai !
> Here is some of the data from my setup.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Set up:
> --------
> 32 core cpu with HT enabled, 128 GB RAM, one SSD (both journal and
> data) -> one OSD. 5 client m/c with 12 core cpu and each running two
> instances of ceph_smalliobench (10 clients total). Network is 10GbE.
> Workload:
> -------------
> Small workload – 20K objects with 4K size and io_size is also 4K RR.
> The intent is to serve the ios from memory so that it can uncover the
> performance problems within single OSD.
> Results from Firefly:
> --------------------------
> Single client throughput is ~14K iops, but as the number of client
> increases the aggregated throughput is not increasing. 10 clients ~15K
> iops. ~9-10 cpu cores are used.
> Result with latest master:
> ------------------------------
> Single client is ~14K iops, but scaling as number of clients
> increases. 10 clients ~107K iops. ~25 cpu cores are used.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> More realistic workload:
> -----------------------------
> Let’s see how it is performing while > 90% of the ios are served from
> disks
> Setup:
> -------
> 40 cpu core server as a cluster node (single node cluster) with 64 GB
> RAM. 8 SSDs -> 8 OSDs. One similar node for monitor and rgw. Another
> node for client running fio/vdbench. 4 rbds are configured with
> ‘noshare’ option. 40 GbE network
> Workload:
> ------------
> 8 SSDs are populated , so, 8 * 800GB = ~6.4 TB of data.  Io_size = 4K RR.
> Results from Firefly:
> ------------------------
> Aggregated output while 4 rbd clients stressing the cluster in
> parallel is ~20-25K IOPS , cpu cores used ~8-10 cores (may be less
> can’t remember
> precisely)
> Results from latest master:
> --------------------------------
> Aggregated output while 4 rbd clients stressing the cluster in
> parallel is ~120K IOPS , cpu is 7% idle i.e  ~37-38 cpu cores.
> Hope this helps.

Thanks Roy, the results are very promising!

Just two moments - are numbers from above related to the HT cores or you 
renormalized the result for real ones? And what about percentage of I/O 
time/utilization in this test was (if you measured this ones)?


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