but another issue is the OSD processes: do you pin those as well? and
how much data do they actually handle. to checksum, the OSD process
needs all data, so that can also cause a lot of NUMA traffic, esp if
they are not pinned.

That's why all my (production) storage nodes have only a single 6 or 8
core CPU. Unfortunately that also limits the amount of RAM in there, 16GB
modules have just recently become an economically viable alternative to
8GB ones.

Thus I don't pin OSD processes, given that on my 8 core nodes with 8 OSDs
and 4 journal SSDs I can make Ceph eat babies and nearly all CPU (not
IOwait!) resources with the right (or is that wrong) tests, namely 4K

The linux scheduler usually is quite decent in keeping processes where the
action is, thus you see for example a clear preference of DRBD or KVM vnet
processes to be "near" or on the CPU(s) where the IRQs are.
the scheduler has improved recently, but i don't know since what version (certainly not backported to RHEL6 kernel).

pinning the OSDs might actually be a bad idea, unless the page cache is flushed before each osd restart. kernel VM has this nice "feature" where allocating memory in a NUMA domain does not trigger freeing of cache memory in the domain, but it will first try to allocate memory on another NUMA domain. although typically the VM cache will be maxed out on OSD boxes, i'm not sure the cache clearing itself is NUMA aware, so who knows where the memory is located when it's allocated.

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