> By now we decide use a SuperMicro's SKU with 72 bays for HDD = 22 SSD +
> 50 SATA drives.
> Our racks can hold 10 this servers and 50 this racks in ceph cluster =
> 36000 OSD's,
> With 4tb SATA drives and replica = 2 and nerfull ratio = 0.8 we have 40
> Petabyte of useful capacity.
> It's too big or normal use case for ceph?

I'm a bit worried about the replica count:
The chances of 2 disks failing of 25000 at the same time becomes very 
significant.  (or a disk + server failure)
Without doing any math my gut feeling says that 3 replica's is still not very 
comfortable. (especially if the disks come from the same batch)

Robert van Leeuwen

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