Hey cephers,

Given some of the recent interest in utilizing Docker with Ceph I'm
taking another survey of the landscape. I know that Loic recently got
Teuthology running with Docker (http://dachary.org/?p=3330)  but I'd
like to look at running a containerized Ceph setup as well.

So far I see that Sebastien did an experiment back in 2013:


and Lorieri had a CoreOS experiment:


but there have been a few people that mentioned their experiments to
me in passing at cons and other places.  I'd love to gather any
experience that people have gleaned in this area by aggregating blog
entries and other notes.  So, if you have a successful Ceph+Docker
setup and would be willing to write a short doc via email/blog/wiki I
would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks!

Best Regards,

Patrick McGarry
Director Ceph Community || Red Hat
http://ceph.com  ||  http://community.redhat.com
@scuttlemonkey || @ceph
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