Hey there,

I've set up a small VirtualBox cluster of Ceph VMs. I have one
"ceph-admin0" node, and three "ceph0,ceph1,ceph2" nodes for a total of 4.

I've been following this guide:
http://ceph.com/docs/master/start/quick-ceph-deploy/ to the letter.

At the end of the guide, it calls for you to run "ceph health"... this is
what happens when I do.

"HEALTH_ERR 64 pgs stale; 64 pgs stuck stale; 2 full osd(s); 2/2 in osds
are down"

Additionally I would like to build and run Calamari to have an overview of
the cluster once it's up and running. I followed all the directions here:

but the calamari-client package refuses to properly build under
trusty-package for some reason. This is the output at the end of salt-call:

Succeeded: 3 (changed=4)
Failed:    3

Here is the full (verbose!) output: http://pastebin.com/WJwCxxxK

The machines each have Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit, with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of
disk. They have between 10% and 30% disk utilization but common between all
of them is that they *have free disk space* meaning I have no idea what the
heck is causing Ceph to complain.

Help? :(

~ Benjamin
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