Hi Max,

Thanks for this info.

I am planing to use CephFS (ceph version 0.87) at home, because its more convenient than NFS over RBD. I dont have large environment; about 20TB, so hopefully it will hold.

I backup all important data just in case. :)

Thank you.

On 29/12/2014 21:09, Thomas Lemarchand wrote:
Hi Max,

I do use CephFS (Giant) in a production environment. It works really
well, but I have backups ready to use, just in case.

As Wido said, kernel version is not really relevant if you use ceph-fuse
(which I recommend over cephfs kernel, for stability and ease of upgrade

However, I found ceph-mds memory usage hard to predict, and I had some
problems with that. At first it was undersized (16GB, for ~8M files /
dirs, and 1M inodes cached), but it worked well until I had a server
crash who did not recover (mds rejoin / rebuild) because of the lack of
memory. So I gave it 24GB memory + 24GB swap, no problem anymore.

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