On Thu, 8 Jan 2015 05:36:43 PM Patrik Plank wrote:

Hi Patrick, just a beginner myself, but have been through a similar process 
recently :)

> With these values above, I get a write performance of 90Mb/s and read
> performance of 29Mb/s, inside the VM. (Windows 2008/R2 with virtio driver
> and writeback-cache enabled) Are these values normal with my configuration
> and hardware? -> 

They do seem *very* odd. Your write performance is pretty good, your read 
performance is abysmal - with a similar setup, with 3 OSD's slower than yours 
I was getting 200 MB/s reads. 

Maybe your network setup is dodgy? Jumbo frames can be tricky. Have you run 
iperf between the nodes?

What are you using for benchmark testing on the windows guest?

Also, probably more useful to turn writeback caching off for benchmarking, the 
cache will totally obscure the real performance.

How is the VM mounted? rbd driver?

> The read-performance seems slow. Would the
> read-performance better if I run for every single disk a osd?

I think so - in general the more OSD's the better. Also having 8 HD's in RAID0 
is a recipe for disaster, you'll lost the entire OSD is one of those disks 

I'd be creating an OSD for each HD (8 per node), with a 5-10GB SSD partition 
per OSD for journal. Tedious, but should make a big difference to reads and 

Might be worth while trying
  filestore max sync interval = 30

as well.


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