
Into placement groups documentation 
(http://ceph.com/docs/giant/rados/operations/placement-groups/) we have the 
message bellow:

“When using multiple data pools for storing objects, you need to ensure that 
you balance the number of placement groups per pool with the number of 
placement groups per OSD so that you arrive at a reasonable total number of 
placement groups that provides reasonably low variance per OSD without taxing 
system resources or making the peering process too slow.”

This means that, if I have a cluster with 10 OSD and 3 pools with size = 3 each 
pool can have only ~111 PGs?

Ex.: (100 * 10 OSDs) / 3 replicas = 333 PGs / 3 pools = 111 PGS per pool

I don't know if reasoning is right… I’ll glad for any help.


Italo Santos

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