Hi George,

List disks available:
# $ ceph-deploy disk list {node-name [node-name]...}

Add OSD using osd create:
# $ ceph-deploy osd create {node-name}:{disk}[:{path/to/journal}]

Or you can use the manual steps to prepare and activate disk described at http://ceph.com/docs/master/start/quick-ceph-deploy/#expanding-your-cluster


On 15/01/2015 06:36, Georgios Dimitrakakis wrote:
Hi all!

I would like to expand our CEPH Cluster and add a second OSD node.

In this node I will have ten 4TB disks dedicated to CEPH.

What is the proper way of putting them in the already available CEPH node?

I guess that the first thing to do is to prepare them with ceph-deploy and mark them as out at preparation.

I should then restart the services and add (mark as in) one of them. Afterwards, I have to wait for the rebalance to occur and upon finishing I will add the second and so on. Is this safe enough?

How long do you expect the rebalancing procedure to take?

I already have ten more 4TB disks at another node and the amount of data is around 40GB with 2x replication factor.
The connection is over Gigabit.


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