Hello Community Members

I am happy to introduce the first book on Ceph with the title “Learning Ceph”. 

Me and many folks from the publishing house together with technical reviewers 
spent several months to get this book compiled and published.

Finally the book is up for sale on , i hope you would like it and surely will 
learn a lot from it.

Amazon :  
Packtpub : https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/learning-ceph 

You can grab the sample copy from here :  

Finally , I would like to express my sincere thanks to 

Sage Weil - For developing Ceph and everything around it as well as writing 
foreword for “Learning Ceph”.
Patrick McGarry - For his usual off the track support that too always.

Last but not the least , to our great community members , who are also 
reviewers of the book Don Talton , Julien Recurt , Sebastien Han and Zihong 
Chen , Thank you guys for your efforts.

Karan Singh 
Systems Specialist , Storage Platforms
CSC - IT Center for Science,
Keilaranta 14, P. O. Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland
mobile: +358 503 812758
tel. +358 9 4572001
fax +358 9 4572302

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