On Mon, 9 Mar 2015, Karan Singh wrote:
> Thanks Guys kernel.pid_max=4194303 did the trick.

Great to hear!  Sorry we missed that you only had it at 65536.

This is a really common problem that people hit when their clusters start 
to grow.  Is there somewhere in the docs we can put this to catch more 
users?  Or maybe a warning issued by the osds themselves or something if 
they see limits that are low?


> - Karan -
>       On 09 Mar 2015, at 14:48, Christian Eichelmann
>       <christian.eichelm...@1und1.de> wrote:
> Hi Karan,
> as you are actually writing in your own book, the problem is the
> sysctl
> setting "kernel.pid_max". I've seen in your bug report that you were
> setting it to 65536, which is still to low for high density hardware.
> In our cluster, one OSD server has in an idle situation about 66.000
> Threads (60 OSDs per Server). The number of threads increases when you
> increase the number of placement groups in the cluster, which I think
> has triggered your problem.
> Set the "kernel.pid_max" setting to 4194303 (the maximum) like Azad
> Aliyar suggested, and the problem should be gone.
> Regards,
> Christian
> Am 09.03.2015 11:41, schrieb Karan Singh:
>       Hello Community need help to fix a long going Ceph
>       problem.
>       Cluster is unhealthy , Multiple OSDs are DOWN. When i am
>       trying to
>       restart OSD?s i am getting this error
>       /2015-03-09 12:22:16.312774 7f760dac9700 -1
>       common/Thread.cc
>       <http://Thread.cc>: In function 'void
>       Thread::create(size_t)' thread
>       7f760dac9700 time 2015-03-09 12:22:16.311970/
>       /common/Thread.cc <http://Thread.cc>: 129: FAILED
>       assert(ret == 0)/
>       *Environment *:  4 Nodes , OSD+Monitor , Firefly latest ,
>       CentOS6.5
>       , 3.17.2-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64
>       Tried upgrading from 0.80.7 to 0.80.8  but no Luck
>       Tried centOS stock kernel 2.6.32  but no Luck
>       Memory is not a problem more then 150+GB is free
>       Did any one every faced this problem ??
>       *Cluster status *
>       *
>       *
>       / cluster 2bd3283d-67ef-4316-8b7e-d8f4747eae33/
>       /     health HEALTH_WARN 7334 pgs degraded; 1185 pgs down;
>       1 pgs
>       incomplete; 1735 pgs peering; 8938 pgs stale; 1/
>       /736 pgs stuck inactive; 8938 pgs stuck stale; 10320 pgs
>       stuck unclean;
>       recovery 6061/31080 objects degraded (19/
>       /.501%); 111/196 in osds are down; clock skew detected on
>       mon.pouta-s02,
>       mon.pouta-s03/
>       /     monmap e3: 3 mons at
> {pouta-s01=10.XXX.50.1:6789/0,pouta-s02=10.XXX.50.2:6789/0,pouta-s03=10.XXX
>       .50.3:6789/
>       //0}, election epoch 1312, quorum 0,1,2
>       pouta-s01,pouta-s02,pouta-s03/
>       /   * osdmap e26633: 239 osds: 85 up, 196 in*/
>       /      pgmap v60389: 17408 pgs, 13 pools, 42345 MB data,
>       10360 objects/
>       /            4699 GB used, 707 TB / 711 TB avail/
>       /            6061/31080 objects degraded (19.501%)/
>       /                  14 down+remapped+peering/
>       /                  39 active/
>       /                3289 active+clean/
>       /                 547 peering/
>       /                 663 stale+down+peering/
>       /                 705 stale+active+remapped/
>       /                   1 active+degraded+remapped/
>       /                   1 stale+down+incomplete/
>       /                 484 down+peering/
>       /                 455 active+remapped/
>       /                3696 stale+active+degraded/
>       /                   4 remapped+peering/
>       /                  23 stale+down+remapped+peering/
>       /                  51 stale+active/
>       /                3637 active+degraded/
>       /                3799 stale+active+clean/
>       *OSD :  Logs *
>       /2015-03-09 12:22:16.312774 7f760dac9700 -1
>       common/Thread.cc
>       <http://Thread.cc>: In function 'void
>       Thread::create(size_t)' thread
>       7f760dac9700 time 2015-03-09 12:22:16.311970/
>       /common/Thread.cc <http://Thread.cc>: 129: FAILED
>       assert(ret == 0)/
>       /
>       /
>       / ceph version 0.80.8
>       (69eaad7f8308f21573c604f121956e64679a52a7)/
>       / 1: (Thread::create(unsigned long)+0x8a) [0xaf41da]/
>       / 2: (SimpleMessenger::add_accept_pipe(int)+0x6a)
>       [0xae84fa]/
>       / 3: (Accepter::entry()+0x265) [0xb5c635]/
>       / 4: /lib64/libpthread.so.0() [0x3c8a6079d1]/
>       / 5: (clone()+0x6d) [0x3c8a2e89dd]/
>       / NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS
>       <executable>` is
>       needed to interpret this./
>       *More information at Ceph Tracker Issue :
>       *http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/10988#change-49018
>       ****************************************************************
>       Karan Singh
>       Systems Specialist , Storage Platforms
>       CSC - IT Center for Science,
>       Keilaranta 14, P. O. Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland
>       mobile: +358 503 812758
>       tel. +358 9 4572001
>       fax +358 9 4572302
>       http://www.csc.fi/
>       ****************************************************************
>       _______________________________________________
>       ceph-users mailing list
>       ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
>       http://lists.ceph.com/listinfo.cgi/ceph-users-ceph.com
> --
> Christian Eichelmann
> Systemadministrator
> 1&1 Internet AG - IT Operations Mail & Media Advertising & Targeting
> Brauerstraße 48 · DE-76135 Karlsruhe
> Telefon: +49 721 91374-8026
> christian.eichelm...@1und1.de
> Amtsgericht Montabaur / HRB 6484
> Vorstände: Henning Ahlert, Ralph Dommermuth, Matthias Ehrlich, Robert
> Hoffmann, Markus Huhn, Hans-Henning Kettler, Dr. Oliver Mauss, Jan
> Oetjen
> Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Michael Scheeren
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