hello All,
             I just setup single node ceph with no replication to
familiarize with ceph.
using 2 intel S3500 SSD 800 Gb and 8Gb RAM and 16 core CPU.

Os is ubuntu 14.04 64 bit ,kbd is loaded (modprobe kbd)

When running bonniee++ against /dev/rbd0
it shows a seekrate of  892.2/s.

How can the seek time be improved.If i ran 5 bonnie on /mnt where /dev/rbd0
is mounted as ext4 seek/s reduces to 500/s .I am trying to achieve over
1000 seek/s for each thread. What can i do to improve performance.

*Tried following *
scheduler to noop
filesystem to btrfs
debugging to 0/0 (all parameters found from mailing list) - This showed
some noticeable difference .

Will configuring ssd in RAID0 improve this,A single OSD from RAID0

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