
Yan, Zheng wrote :

>> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/11059
> It's a bug in ACL code, I have updated http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/11059

Ok, thanks. I have seen and I will answer quickly. ;)

>> I'm still surprised by such times. For instance, It seems to me
>> that, with a mounted nfs share, commands like "ls -la" are very
>> fast in comparison (with a directory which contains the same number
>> of files). Can anyone explain to me why there is a such difference
>> between the nfs case and the cephfs case? This is absolutely not a
>> criticism but it's just to understand the concepts that come into
>> play. In the case of "ls -al" ie just reading (it is assumed that
>> there is no writing on the directory), the nfs and the cephfs cases
>> seem to me very similar: the client just requests a stat on each file
>> in the directory. Am I wrong?
> NFS has no cache coherence mechanism. It can't guarantee one client always
> see other client's change.

Ah ok, I didn't know that. Indeed, now I understand that can generate
performance impact.

> The time variation is caused cache coherence. when client has valid 
> information
> in its cache, 'stat' operation will be fast. Otherwise the client need to send
> request to MDS and wait for reply, which will be slow.

Ok, thanks a lot for your explanations.

François Lafont
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