
This is similar to another thread running right now, but since our current setup is completely different from the one described in the other thread, I thought it may be better to start a new one.

We are running Ceph Firefly 0.80.8 (soon to be upgraded to 0.80.9). We have 6 OSD hosts with 16 OSD each (so a total of 96 OSDs). Each OSD is a Samsung SSD 840 EVO on which I can reach write speeds of roughly 400 MB/sec, plugged in jbod on a controller that can theoretically transfer at 6gb/sec. All of that is linked to openstack compute nodes on two bonded 10gbps links (so a max transfer rate of 20 gbps).

When I run rados bench from the compute nodes, I reach the network cap in read speed. However, write speeds are vastly inferior, reaching about 920 MB/sec. If I have 4 compute nodes running the write benchmark at the same time, I can see the number plummet to 350 MB/sec . For our planned usage, we find it to be rather slow, considering we will run a high number of virtual machines in there.

Of course, the first thing to do would be to transfer the journal on faster drives. However, these are SSDs we're talking about. We don't really have access to faster drives. I must find a way to get better write speeds. Thus, I am looking for suggestions as to how to make it faster.

I have also thought of options myself like:
-Upgrading to the latest stable hammer version (would that really give me a big performance increase?) -Crush map modifications? (this is a long shot, but I'm still using the default crush map, maybe there's a change there I could make to improve performances)

Any suggestions as to anything else I can tweak would be strongly appreciated.

For reference, here's part of my ceph.conf:

auth_service_required = cephx
filestore_xattr_use_omap = true
auth_client_required = cephx
auth_cluster_required = cephx
osd pool default size = 3

osd pg bits = 12
osd pgp bits = 12
osd pool default pg num = 800
osd pool default pgp num = 800

rbd cache = true
rbd cache writethrough until flush = true

filestore_fd_cache_size = 1000000
filestore_omap_header_cache_size = 1000000
filestore_fd_cache_random = true
filestore_queue_max_ops = 5000
journal_queue_max_ops = 1000000
max_open_files = 1000000
osd journal size = 10000

Jean-Philippe Méthot
Administrateur système / System administrator
GloboTech Communications
Phone: 1-514-907-0050
Toll Free: 1-(888)-GTCOMM1
Fax: 1-(514)-907-0750

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