I tried set client cache size = 100, but it doesn't solve the problem.
I tested ceph-fuse with kernel version 3.13.0-24 3.13.0-49 and 3.16.0-34.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 7:39 PM John Spray <john.sp...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 28/04/2015 06:55, Dexter Xiong wrote:
> > Hi,
> >     I've deployed a small hammer cluster 0.94.1. And I mount it via
> > ceph-fuse on Ubuntu 14.04. After several hours I found that the
> > ceph-fuse process crashed. The end is the crash log from
> > /var/log/ceph/ceph-client.admin.log. The memory cost of ceph-fuse
> > process was huge(more than 4GB) when it crashed.
> >     Then I did some test and found these actions will increase memory
> > cost of ceph-fuse rapidly and the memory cost never seem to decrease:
> >
> >   * rsync command to sync small files(rsync -a /mnt/some_small /srv/ceph)
> >   * chown command/ chmod command(chmod 775 /srv/ceph -R)
> >
> > But chown/chmod command on accessed files will not increase the memory
> > cost.
> > It seems that ceph-fuse caches the file nodes but never releases them.
> > I don't know if there is an option to control the cache size. I
> > set mds cache size = 2147483647 option to improve the performance of
> > mds, and I tried to set mds cache size = 1000 at client side but it
> > doesn't effect the result.
> The setting for client-side cache limit is "client cache size", default
> is 16384
> What kernel version are you using on the client?  There have been some
> issues with cache trimming vs. fuse in recent kernels, but we thought we
> had workarounds in place...
> Cheers,
> John
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