
The QEMU Venom vulnerability (http://venom.crowdstrike.com/) got my attention and I would like to know what are you people doing in order to have the latest patched QEMU version
working with Ceph RBD?

In my case I am using the qemu-img and qemu-kvm packages provided by Ceph (http://ceph.com/packages/ceph-extras/rpm/centos6/x86_64/) in order to have RBD working on CentOS6 since the default repository packages do not work!

If I want to update to the latest QEMU packages which ones are known to work with Ceph RBD? I have seen some people mentioning that Fedora packages are working but I am not sure if they have the latest packages available and if they are going to work eventually.

Is building manually the QEMU packages the only way???

Best regards,

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