
I'm having some difficulty installing the Hammer release on CentOS 6.6 
following the instructions here: 

The initial problem was with the install.py and uninstall.py scripts 
referencing "radosgw" instead of "ceph-radosgw" in the packages lists. Swapping 
these out enabled the installation of the radosgw packages on the cluster nodes.

However, the execution of ceph-deploy rgw create [node] fails with a no such 
file or directory error. Any suggestions? I've copied the log file below.


[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: 
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (1.5.23): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy rgw create 
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] Deploying rgw, cluster ceph hosts 
[ceph-node01][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[ceph-node01][DEBUG ] connected to host: ceph-node01
[ceph-node01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[ceph-node01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.rgw][INFO  ] Distro info: CentOS 6.6 Final
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] remote host will use sysvinit
[ceph_deploy.rgw][DEBUG ] deploying rgw bootstrap to ceph-node01
[ceph-node01][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph-node01][DEBUG ] create path if it doesn't exist
[ceph_deploy.rgw][ERROR ] OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
[ceph_deploy][ERROR ] GenericError: Failed to create 1 RGWs

Alex Dacre
Systems Engineer
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