OS:  CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
kernel : 3.10.77-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64
Installed:   ceph-deploy.noarch 0:1.5.23-0
Dependency Installed:    python-argparse.noarch 0:1.2.1-2.el6.centos

I install the ceph-deploy refer to the manual  ,
http://ceph.com/docs/master/start/quick-start-preflight/  .  However , When
I run ceph-deploy , error will appear , "Error in sys.exitfunc: " .   how
to solve it ?

 I find the same error message with me in the web ,
http://www.spinics.net/lists/ceph-devel/msg21388.html , but I cannot
find the way to solve this problem .

 I am looking forward for your reply !
 Best wishes!


error message:

[root@node1 ~]# ceph-deploy
usage: ceph-deploy [-h] [-v | -q] [--version] [--username USERNAME]
                   [--overwrite-conf] [--cluster NAME] [--ceph-conf
                   COMMAND ...

Easy Ceph deployment

   /   \
   |O o|  ceph-deploy v1.5.23
  | '|` |

Full documentation can be found at: http://ceph.com/ceph-deploy/docs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         be more verbose
  -q, --quiet           be less verbose
  --version             the current installed version of ceph-deploy
  --username USERNAME   the username to connect to the remote host
  --overwrite-conf      overwrite an existing conf file on remote host (if
  --cluster NAME        name of the cluster
  --ceph-conf CEPH_CONF
                        use (or reuse) a given ceph.conf file

  COMMAND               description
    new                 Start deploying a new cluster, and write a
                        CLUSTER.conf and keyring for it.
    install             Install Ceph packages on remote hosts.
    rgw                 Deploy ceph RGW on remote hosts.
    mds                 Deploy ceph MDS on remote hosts.
    mon                 Deploy ceph monitor on remote hosts.
    gatherkeys          Gather authentication keys for provisioning new
    disk                Manage disks on a remote host.
    osd                 Prepare a data disk on remote host.
    admin               Push configuration and client.admin key to a remote
    config              Push configuration file to a remote host.
    uninstall           Remove Ceph packages from remote hosts.
    purgedata           Purge (delete, destroy, discard, shred) any Ceph
                        from /var/lib/ceph
    purge               Remove Ceph packages from remote hosts and purge all
    forgetkeys          Remove authentication keys from the local directory.
    pkg                 Manage packages on remote hosts.
    calamari            Install and configure Calamari nodes
Error in sys.exitfunc:
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