Yes, but that’s a separate issue :-)
Some drives are just slow (100 IOPS) for synchronous writes with no other load.
The drives I’m testing have ~8K IOPS when not under load - having them drop to 
10 IOPS is a huge problem. If it’s indeed a CFQ problem (as I suspect) then no 
matter what drive you have you will have problems.


> On 23 Jun 2015, at 14:03, Dan van der Ster <> wrote:
> Oh sorry, I had missed that. Indeed that is surprising. Did you read
> the recent thread ("SSD IO performance") discussing the relevance of
> O_DSYNC performance for the journal?
> Cheers, Dan
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 1:54 PM, Jan Schermer <> wrote:
>> I only use SSDs, which is why I’m so surprised at the CFQ behaviour - the 
>> drive can sustain tens of thousand of reads per second, thousands of writes 
>> - yet saturating it with reads drops the writes to 10 IOPS - that’s mind 
>> boggling to me.
>> Jan
>>> On 23 Jun 2015, at 13:43, Dan van der Ster <> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Jan Schermer <> wrote:
>>>> Yes, I use the same drive
>>>> one partition for journal
>>>> other for xfs with filestore
>>>> I am seeing slow requests when backfills are occuring - backfills hit the 
>>>> filestore but slow requests are (most probably) writes going to the 
>>>> journal - 10 IOPS is just to few for anything.
>>>> My Ceph version is dumpling - that explains the integers.
>>>> So it’s possible it doesn’t work at all?
>>> I thought that bug was fixed. You can check if it worked by using
>>> "iotop -b -n1" and looking for threads with the idle priority.
>>>> Bad news about the backfills no being in the disk thread, I might have to 
>>>> use deadline after all.
>>> If your experience follows the same paths of most users, eventually
>>> deep scrubs will cause latency issues and you'll switch back to cfq
>>> plus ionicing the disk thread.
>>> Are you using Ceph RBD or object storage? If RBD, eventually you'll
>>> find that you need to put the journals on an SSD.
>>> Cheers, Dan

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