
More info about this issue, we have opened a ticket to redhat here is
the feedback:



On 16/07/15 15:19, Alvaro Simon Garcia wrote:
> Hi
> I have tested a bit this with different ceph-fuse versions and linux
> distros and it seems a mount issue in CentOS7. The problem is that mount
> tries to find first the <param>=<value> from fstab fs_spec field into
> the blkid block device attributes and of course this flag is not there
> and you always get an error like this:
> ||
> mount: can't find <param>=<value>
> and stops here, the mount values are never parsed by
> /sbin/mount.fuse.ceph helper...
> The only workaround that I found without change mount version is to
> change the "spurious" = by another special character like a colon for
> example:
> id:admin  /mnt/ceph fuse.ceph defaults 0 0
> but you also have to change /sbin/mount.fuse.ceph parser:
> ...
> # convert device string to options
> fs_spec=`echo $1 | sed 's/:/=/g'`
> cephargs='--'`echo $fs_spec | sed 's/,/ --/g'`
> ...
> but this is a bit annoying...
> someone else has found the same mount fuse issue in RHEL7 or CentOS?
> Cheers
> Alvaro
> On 09/07/15 12:22, Kenneth Waegeman wrote:
>> Hmm, it looks like a version issue..
>> I am testing with these versions on centos7:
>>  ~]# mount -V
>> mount from util-linux 2.23.2 (libmount 2.23.0: selinux, debug, assert)
>>  ~]# ceph-fuse -v
>> ceph version 0.94.1 (e4bfad3a3c51054df7e537a724c8d0bf9be972ff)
>> This do not work..
>> On my fedora box, with these versions from repo:
>> # mount -V
>> mount from util-linux 2.24.2 (libmount 2.24.0: selinux, debug, assert)
>> # ceph-fuse -v
>> ceph version 0.80.9 (b5a67f0e1d15385bc0d60a6da6e7fc810bde6047)
>> this works..
>> Which versions are you running?
>> And does someone knows from which versions , or which version
>> combinations do work?
>> Thanks a lot!
>> K
>> On 07/09/2015 11:53 AM, Thomas Lemarchand wrote:
>>> Hello Kenneth,
>>> I have a working ceph fuse in fstab. Only difference I see it that I
>>> don't use "conf", your configuration file is at the default path
>>> anyway.
>> I tried it with and without conf, but it always complains about id
>>> id=recette-files-rw,client_mountpoint=/recette-files/files
>>>   /mnt/wimi/ceph-files  fuse.ceph noatime,_netdev 0 0
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