
We are currently using 2 OSD hosts with SSDs to provide RBD backed volumes
for KVM hypervisors.  This 'cluster' is currently set up in 'Location A'.

We are looking to move our hypervisors/VMs over to a new location, and will
have a 1Gbit link between the two datacenters.  We can run Layer 2 over the
link, and it should have ~10ms of latency.  Call the new datacenter
'Location B'.

One proposed solution for the migration is to set up new RBD hosts in the
new location, set up a new pool, and move the VM volumes to it.

The potential issue with this solution is that we can end up in a scenario
where the VM is running on a hypervisor in 'Location A', but
writing/reading to a volume in 'Location B'.

My question is: what kind of performance impact should we expect when
reading/writing over a link with ~10ms of latency?  Will it bring I/O
intensive operations (like databases) to a halt, or will it be 'tolerable'
for a short period (a few days).  Most of the VMs are running database
backed e-commerce sites.

My expectation is that 10ms for every I/O operation will cause a
significant impact, but we wanted to verify that before ruling it out as a
solution.  We will also be doing some internal testing of course.

I appreciate any feedback the community has.

- Logan
ceph-users mailing list

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