
I tried to set up a read-only permission for a client but it looks always writable.

  I did the following:

==Server end==

        key = AQxxxxxxxxxx==
        caps mon = "allow r"
        caps osd = "allow r pool=cephfs_data, allow r pool=cephfs_metadata"

==Client end==
mount -v -t ceph hostname.domainname:6789:/ /cephfs -o name=cephfs_data_ro,secret=AQxxxxxxxxxx==

But I still can touch, delete, overwrite.

I read that touch/delete could be only meta data operations, but why I still can overwrite?

Is there anyway I could test/check the data pool (instead of meta data) to see if any effect on it?


 Erming Pei, Ph.D
 Senior System Analyst; Grid/Cloud Specialist

 Research Computing Group
 Information Services & Technology
 University of Alberta, Canada

 Tel: +1 7804929914        Fax: +1 7804921729

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