We've upgraded ceph to 0.94.4 and kernel to 3.16.0-51-generic
but the problem still persists. Lately we see these crashes on a daily basis. I'm leaning toward the conclusion that this is a software problem - this hardware ran stable before and we're seeing all four nodes crash randomly with the same messages in log.. I'm thinking if this can be flashcache related.. nothing else comes to mind..

can anyone look at the logs and help some?

ceph-osd log: http://pastebin.com/AGGtvHr2
kernel log: http://pastebin.com/jVSa8eme


On 10/09/2015 09:15 AM, Jacek Jarosiewicz wrote:

We've noticed a problem with our cluster setup:

4 x OSD nodes:
E5-1630 CPU
Mellanox MT27520 56Gbps network cards
SATA controller LSI Logic SAS3008
Storage nodes are connected to two SuperMicro chassis: 847E1C-R1K28JBOD
Each node has 2-3 spinning OSDs (6TB drives) and 2 ssd drives (240GB
Intel DC S3710 drives) for journal and cache
3 monitors running on OSD nodes
ceph hammer 0.94.3
Ubuntu 14.04
standard replicated pools with size 2 (min_size 1)
40GB journal per osd on SSD drives, 40GB flashcache per osd.

Everything seems to work fine, but every few days or so one of the nodes
(not always the same node - different nodes each time) gets very high
load, becomes inaccessible and needs to be rebooted.

After reboot we can start osd's and the cluster returns to HEALTH_OK
state pretty quickly.

After looking into logfiles this seems to be related to ceph-osd
processes (links to the logs are at the bottom of this msg).

The cluster is a test setup - not used in production and at the time the
ceph-osd processes crushes the cluster isn't doing anything.

Any help would be appreciated.

ceph-osd log: http://pastebin.com/AGGtvHr2
kernel log: http://pastebin.com/jVSa8eme


Jacek Jarosiewicz
Administrator Systemów Informatycznych

SUPERMEDIA Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie
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