On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 12:53 PM, Łukasz Jagiełło
<jagiello.luk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Recently I've noticed a problem with one of our buckets:
> I cannot list or stats on a bucket:
> #v+
> root@ceph-s1:~# radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket=problematic_bucket
> error getting bucket stats ret=-22

That's EINVAL, not ENOENT. It could mean lot's of things, e.g.,
radosgw-admin version mismatch vs. version that osds are running. Try
to add --debug-rgw=20 --debug-ms=1 --log-to-stderr to maybe get a bit
more info about the source of this error.

> ➜  ~  s3cmd -c /etc/s3cmd/prod.cfg ls
> s3://problematic_bucket/images/e/e0/file.png
> ERROR: S3 error: None
> #v-
> ,but direct request for an object is working perfectly fine:
> #v+
> ➜  ~  curl -svo /dev/null
> http://ceph-s1/problematic_bucket/images/e/e0/file.png
> […]
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Content-Type: image/png
> < Content-Length: 379906
> […]
> #v-
> Any solution how to fix it? We're still running ceph 0.67.11

You're really behind.

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