I'm building a storage structure for OpenStack cloud System, input:
- 700 VM
- 150 IOPS per VM
- 20 Storage per VM (boot volume)
- Some VM run database (SQL or MySQL)

I want to ask a sizing plan for Ceph to satisfy the IOPS requirement, I
list some factors considered:
- Amount of OSD (SAS Disk)
- Amount of Journal (SSD)
- Amount of OSD Servers
- Amount of MON Server
- Network
- Replica ( default is 3)

I will divide to 3 pool with 3 Disk types: SSD, SAS 15k and SAS 10k
Should I use all 3 disk types in one server or build dedicated servers for
every pool? Example: 3 15k servers for Pool-1, 3 10k Servers for Pool-2.

Could you help me a formula to calculate the minimum devices needed for
above input.

Thanks and regards.
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