Yes, given the architectural design limitations of ZFS, there will
indeed always be performance consequences for using it in an
environment its creators never envisioned, like Ceph.  But ZFS offers
many advanced features not found on other filesystems, and for
production environments that depend on those features, it’s very
reasonable to still want them in an environment that happens to be

Keep in mind also that FreeBSD and Solaris installers both create ZFS
filesystems (Solaris by default/only option, FreeBSD I’m not sure
about, it may be default in the most recent release), so this is not
just a question about ZFS on Linux.  ZFS is a *very* popular
filesystem in wide usage and is the *only* cross-platform filesystem
to offer the features it does.

So, until there’s another broadly-supported, ceph-aware,
production-quality filesystem that offers feature parity with it, the
question of how to get the best (or, if you prefer, least worst)
ZFS-on-ceph performance is worth asking.

In light of that, is it possible to do any better than just writing it
off as a lost cause?  This is work we’re absolutely willing to do, we
just don’t feel we have a good understanding of all the moving parts
involved, and how to measure and tune them all.  (And, most
importantly, how to measure the impact of the tuning.)


On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Tyler Bishop
<> wrote:
> Due to the nature of distributed storage and a filesystem built to distribute 
> itself across sequential devices.. you're going to always have poor 
> performance.
> Are you unable to use XFS inside the vm?
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