It appears that with --apparent-size, du adds the "size" of the
directories to the total as well. On most filesystems this is the
block size, or the amount of metadata space the directory is using. On
CephFS, this size is fabricated to be the size sum of all sub-files.
i.e. a cheap/free 'du -sh $folder'

$ stat /homes/mozes/tmp/sbatten
  File: '/homes/mozes/tmp/sbatten'
  Size: 138286          Blocks: 0          IO Block: 65536  directory
Device: 0h/0d   Inode: 1099523094368  Links: 1
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (163587/   mozes)   Gid: (163587/mozes_users)
Access: 2016-01-19 00:12:23.331201000 -0600
Modify: 2015-10-14 13:38:01.098843320 -0500
Change: 2015-10-14 13:38:01.098843320 -0500
 Birth: -
$ stat /tmp/sbatten/
  File: '/tmp/sbatten/'
  Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   directory
Device: 803h/2051d      Inode: 9568257     Links: 2
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (163587/   mozes)   Gid: (163587/mozes_users)
Access: 2016-01-19 00:12:23.331201000 -0600
Modify: 2015-10-14 13:38:01.098843320 -0500
Change: 2016-01-19 00:17:29.658902081 -0600
 Birth: -

$ du -s --apparent-size -B1 /homes/mozes/tmp/sbatten
276572  /homes/mozes/tmp/sbatten
$ du -s -B1 /homes/mozes/tmp/sbatten
147456  /homes/mozes/tmp/sbatten

$ du -s -B1 /tmp/sbatten
225280  /tmp/sbatten
$ du -s --apparent-size -B1 /tmp/sbatten
142382  /tmp/sbatten

Notice how the apparent-size version is *exactly* the Size from the
stat + the size from the "proper" du?


On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 11:45 PM, Francois Lafont <> wrote:
> On 19/01/2016 05:19, Francois Lafont wrote:
>> However, I still have a question. Since my previous message, supplementary
>> data have been put in the cephfs and the values have changes as you can see:
>>     ~# du -sh /mnt/cephfs/
>>     1.2G      /mnt/cephfs/
>>     ~# du --apparent-size -sh /mnt/cephfs/
>>     6.4G      /mnt/cephfs/
>> You can see that the difference between "disk usage" and "apparent size"
>> has really increased and it seems to me curious that only sparse files can
>> explain this difference (in my mind, sparse files are very specific files
>> and here the files are essentially images which doesn't seem to me potential
>> sparse files). I'm not completely sure but I think that same files are put in
>> the cephfs directory.
>> Do you think it's possible that the sames file present in different 
>> directories
>> of the cephfs are stored in only one object in the cephfs pool?
>> This is my feeling when I see the difference between "apparent size" and
>> "disk usage" which has increased. Am I wrong?
> In fact, I'm not so sure. Here another information, where /backups is a XFS 
> partition:
>     ~# du --apparent-size -sh 
> /mnt/cephfs/0/5/05286c08-2270-41e7-8055-64eae169bd46/data/
>     2.8G        /mnt/cephfs/0/5/05286c08-2270-41e7-8055-64eae169bd46/data/
>     ~# du -sh /mnt/cephfs/0/5/05286c08-2270-41e7-8055-64eae169bd46/data/
>     701M        /mnt/cephfs/0/5/05286c08-2270-41e7-8055-64eae169bd46/data/
>     ~# cp -r /mnt/cephfs/0/5/05286c08-2270-41e7-8055-64eae169bd46/data/ 
> /backups/test
>     ~# du -sh /backups/test
>     701M        /backups/test
>     ~# du --apparent-size -sh /backups/test
>     701M        /backups/test
> So I definitively don't understand of du --apparent-size -sh...
> --
> François Lafont
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