On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 5:04 PM, seapasu...@uchicago.edu
<seapasu...@uchicago.edu> wrote:
> I have looked all over and I do not see any explicit mention of
> "NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959" in the logs nor do I
> see a timestamp from November 4th although I do see log rotations dating
> back to october 15th. I don't think it's possible it wasn't logged so I am
> going through the bucket logs from the 'radosgw-admin log show --object'
> side and I found the following::
> 4604932         {
> 4604933             "bucket": "noaa-nexrad-l2",
> 4604934             "time": "2015-11-04 21:29:27.346509Z",
> 4604935             "time_local": "2015-11-04 15:29:27.346509",
> 4604936             "remote_addr": "",
> 4604937             "object_owner": "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
> 4604938             "user": "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
> 4604939             "operation": "PUT",

I'd expect a multipart upload completion to be done with a POST, not a PUT.

> 4604940             "uri":
> "\/noaa-nexrad-l2\/2015\/01\/01\/PAKC\/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959.tar",
> 4604941             "http_status": "200",
> 4604942             "error_code": "",
> 4604943             "bytes_sent": 19,
> 4604944             "bytes_received": 0,
> 4604945             "object_size": 0,

Do you see a zero object_size for other multipart uploads?


> 4604946             "total_time": 1426404000000,
> 4604947             "user_agent": "Boto\/2.38.0 Python\/2.7.7
> Linux\/2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64",
> 4604948             "referrer": ""
> 4604949         }
> Does this help at all. The total time seems exceptionally high. Would it be
> possible that there is a timeout issue where the put request started a
> multipart upload with the correct header and then timed out but the radosgw
> took the data anyway?
> I am surprised the radosgw returned a 200 let alone placed the key in the
> bucket listing.
> That said here is another object (different object) that 404s:
> 1650873         {
> 1650874             "bucket": "noaa-nexrad-l2",
> 1650875             "time": "2015-11-05 04:50:42.606838Z",
> 1650876             "time_local": "2015-11-04 22:50:42.606838",
> 1650877             "remote_addr": "",
> 1650878             "object_owner": "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
> 1650879             "user": "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
> 1650880             "operation": "PUT",
> 1650881             "uri":
> "\/noaa-nexrad-l2\/2015\/02\/25\/KVBX\/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_KVBX_20150225160000_20150225165959.tar",
> 1650882             "http_status": "200",
> 1650883             "error_code": "",
> 1650884             "bytes_sent": 19,
> 1650885             "bytes_received": 0,
> 1650886             "object_size": 0,
> 1650887             "total_time": 0,
> 1650888             "user_agent": "Boto\/2.38.0 Python\/2.7.7
> Linux\/2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64",
> 1650889             "referrer": ""
> 1650890         }
> And this one fails with a 404 as well. Does this help at all? Here is a
> successful object (different object) log entry as well just in case::
> 17462367         {
> 17462368             "bucket": "noaa-nexrad-l2",
> 17462369             "time": "2015-11-04 21:16:44.148603Z",
> 17462370             "time_local": "2015-11-04 15:16:44.148603",
> 17462371             "remote_addr": "",
> 17462372             "object_owner": "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
> 17462373             "user": "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
> 17462374             "operation": "PUT",
> 17462375             "uri":
> "\/noaa-nexrad-l2\/2015\/01\/01\/KAKQ\/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_KAKQ_20150101080000_20150101085959.tar",
> 17462376             "http_status": "200",
> 17462377             "error_code": "",
> 17462378             "bytes_sent": 19,
> 17462379             "bytes_received": 0,
> 17462380             "object_size": 0,
> 17462381             "total_time": 0,
> 17462382             "user_agent": "Boto\/2.38.0 Python\/2.7.7
> Linux\/2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64",
> 17462383             "referrer": ""
> 17462384         }
> So I am guessing these are not pertinent as they look nearly identical.
> Unfortunately I do not have any client.radosgw.logs to show for the failed
> files for some reason. Is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot this
> issue. In the end the radosgw should have never list these files as they
> never completed successfully, right?
> On 1/15/16 4:36 PM, Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub wrote:
>> The head object of a multipart object has 0 size, so it's expected.
>> What's missing is the tail of the object. I don't assume you have any
>> logs from when the object was uploaded?
>> Yehuda
>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 2:12 PM, seapasu...@uchicago.edu
>> <seapasu...@uchicago.edu> wrote:
>>> Sorry for the confusion::
>>> When I grepped for the prefix of the missing object::
>>> "2015\/01\/01\/PAKC\/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959.tar.2~pcu5Hz6foFXjlSxBat22D8YMcHlQOBD"
>>> I am not able to find any chunks of the object::
>>> lacadmin@kh28-10:~$ rados -p .rgw.buckets ls | grep 'pcu5Hz6'
>>> lacadmin@kh28-10:~$
>>> The only piece of the object that I can seem to find is the original one
>>> I
>>> posted::
>>> lacadmin@kh28-10:~$ rados -p .rgw.buckets ls | grep
>>> 'NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959'
>>> default.384153.1_2015/01/01/PAKC/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959.tar
>>> And when we stat this object is is 0 bytes as shown earlier::
>>> lacadmin@kh28-10:~$ rados -p .rgw.buckets stat
>>> 'default.384153.1_2015/01/01/PAKC/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959.tar'
>>> .rgw.buckets/default.384153.1_2015/01/01/PAKC/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959.tar
>>> mtime 2015-11-04 15:29:30.000000, size 0
>>> Sorry again for the confusion.
>>> On 1/15/16 3:58 PM, Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub wrote:
>>>> Ah, I see. Misread that and the object names were very similar. No,
>>>> don't copy it. You can try to grep for the specific object name and
>>>> see if there are pieces of it lying around under a different upload
>>>> id.
>>>> Yehuda
>>>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 1:44 PM, seapasu...@uchicago.edu
>>>> <seapasu...@uchicago.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Sorry I am a bit confused. The successful list that I provided is from
>>>>> a
>>>>> different object of the same size to show that I could indeed get a
>>>>> list.
>>>>> Are you saying to copy the working object to the missing object? Sorry
>>>>> for
>>>>> the confusion.
>>>>> On 1/15/16 3:20 PM, Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub wrote:
>>>>>> That's interesting, and might point at the underlying issue that
>>>>>> caused it. Could be a racing upload that somehow ended up with the
>>>>>> wrong object head. The 'multipart' object should be 4M in size, and
>>>>>> the 'shadow' one should have the remainder of the data. You can run
>>>>>> 'rados stat -p .rgw.buckets <oid>' to validate that. If that's the
>>>>>> case, you can copy these to the expected object names:
>>>>>> $ src_uploadid=wksHvto9gRgHUJbhm_TZPXJTZUPXLT2
>>>>>> $ dest_uploadid=pcu5Hz6foFXjlSxBat22D8YMcHlQOBD
>>>>>> $ rados -p .rgw.buckets cp
>>>>>> default.384153.1__multipart_2015/01/01/KABR/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_KABR_20150101130000_20150101135959.tar.2~${src_uploadid}.1
>>>>>> default.384153.1__multipart_2015/01/01/KABR/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_KABR_20150101130000_20150101135959.tar.2~${dest_uploadid}.1
>>>>>> $ rados -p .rgw.buckets cp
>>>>>> default.384153.1__shadow_2015/01/01/KABR/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_KABR_20150101130000_20150101135959.tar.2~${src_upload_id}.1_1
>>>>>> default.384153.1__shadow_2015/01/01/KABR/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_KABR_20150101130000_20150101135959.tar.2~${dest_upload_id}.1_1
>>>>>> Yehuda
>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 1:02 PM, seapasu...@uchicago.edu
>>>>>> <seapasu...@uchicago.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> lacadmin@kh28-10:~$ rados -p .rgw.buckets ls | grep 'pcu5Hz6'
>>>>>>> lacadmin@kh28-10:~$
>>>>>>> Nothing was found. That said when I run the command with another
>>>>>>> prefix
>>>>>>> snippet::
>>>>>>> lacadmin@kh28-10:~$ rados -p .rgw.buckets ls | grep 'wksHvto'
>>>>>>> default.384153.1__shadow_2015/01/01/KABR/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_KABR_20150101130000_20150101135959.tar.2~wksHvto9gRgHUJbhm_TZPXJTZUPXLT2.1_1
>>>>>>> default.384153.1__multipart_2015/01/01/KABR/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_KABR_20150101130000_20150101135959.tar.2~wksHvto9gRgHUJbhm_TZPXJTZUPXLT2.1
>>>>>>> On 1/15/16 12:05 PM, Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 9:36 AM, seapasu...@uchicago.edu
>>>>>>>> <seapasu...@uchicago.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Yehuda,
>>>>>>>>> Here it is::
>>>>>>>>> radosgw-admin object stat --bucket="noaa-nexrad-l2"
>>>>>>>>> --object="2015/01/01/PAKC/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959.tar"
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>         "name":
>>>>>>>>> "2015\/01\/01\/PAKC\/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959.tar",
>>>>>>>>>         "size": 7147520,
>>>>>>>>>         "policy": {
>>>>>>>>>             "acl": {
>>>>>>>>>                 "acl_user_map": [
>>>>>>>>>                     {
>>>>>>>>>                         "user": "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
>>>>>>>>>                         "acl": 15
>>>>>>>>>                     }
>>>>>>>>>                 ],
>>>>>>>>>                 "acl_group_map": [
>>>>>>>>>                     {
>>>>>>>>>                         "group": 1,
>>>>>>>>>                         "acl": 1
>>>>>>>>>                     }
>>>>>>>>>                 ],
>>>>>>>>>                 "grant_map": [
>>>>>>>>>                     {
>>>>>>>>>                         "id": "",
>>>>>>>>>                         "grant": {
>>>>>>>>>                             "type": {
>>>>>>>>>                                 "type": 2
>>>>>>>>>                             },
>>>>>>>>>                             "id": "",
>>>>>>>>>                             "email": "",
>>>>>>>>>                             "permission": {
>>>>>>>>>                                 "flags": 1
>>>>>>>>>                             },
>>>>>>>>>                             "name": "",
>>>>>>>>>                             "group": 1
>>>>>>>>>                         }
>>>>>>>>>                     },
>>>>>>>>>                     {
>>>>>>>>>                         "id": "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
>>>>>>>>>                         "grant": {
>>>>>>>>>                             "type": {
>>>>>>>>>                                 "type": 0
>>>>>>>>>                             },
>>>>>>>>>                             "id":
>>>>>>>>> "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
>>>>>>>>>                             "email": "",
>>>>>>>>>                             "permission": {
>>>>>>>>>                                 "flags": 15
>>>>>>>>>                             },
>>>>>>>>>                             "name": "noaa-commons",
>>>>>>>>>                             "group": 0
>>>>>>>>>                         }
>>>>>>>>>                     }
>>>>>>>>>                 ]
>>>>>>>>>             },
>>>>>>>>>             "owner": {
>>>>>>>>>                 "id": "b05f707271774dbd89674a0736c9406e",
>>>>>>>>>                 "display_name": "noaa-commons"
>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>>>         "etag": "b91b6f1650350965c5434c547b3c38ff-1\u0000",
>>>>>>>>>         "tag": "_cWrvEa914Gy1AeyzIhRlUdp1wJnek3E\u0000",
>>>>>>>>>         "manifest": {
>>>>>>>>>             "objs": [],
>>>>>>>>>             "obj_size": 7147520,
>>>>>>>>>             "explicit_objs": "false",
>>>>>>>>>             "head_obj": {
>>>>>>>>>                 "bucket": {
>>>>>>>>>                     "name": "noaa-nexrad-l2",
>>>>>>>>>                     "pool": ".rgw.buckets",
>>>>>>>>>                     "data_extra_pool": ".rgw.buckets.extra",
>>>>>>>>>                     "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",
>>>>>>>>>                     "marker": "default.384153.1",
>>>>>>>>>                     "bucket_id": "default.384153.1"
>>>>>>>>>                 },
>>>>>>>>>                 "key": "",
>>>>>>>>>                 "ns": "",
>>>>>>>>>                 "object":
>>>>>>>>> "2015\/01\/01\/PAKC\/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959.tar",
>>>>>>>>>                 "instance": ""
>>>>>>>>>             },
>>>>>>>>>             "head_size": 0,
>>>>>>>>>             "max_head_size": 0,
>>>>>>>>>             "prefix":
>>>>>>>>> "2015\/01\/01\/PAKC\/NWS_NEXRAD_NXL2DP_PAKC_20150101110000_20150101115959.tar.2~pcu5Hz6foFXjlSxBat22D8YMcHlQOBD",
>>>>>>>> Try running:
>>>>>>>> $ rados -p .rgw.buckets ls | grep pcu5Hz6
>>>>>>>> Yehuda
>>>>>>>>>             "tail_bucket": {
>>>>>>>>>                 "name": "noaa-nexrad-l2",
>>>>>>>>>                 "pool": ".rgw.buckets",
>>>>>>>>>                 "data_extra_pool": ".rgw.buckets.extra",
>>>>>>>>>                 "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",
>>>>>>>>>                 "marker": "default.384153.1",
>>>>>>>>>                 "bucket_id": "default.384153.1"
>>>>>>>>>             },
>>>>>>>>>             "rules": [
>>>>>>>>>                 {
>>>>>>>>>                     "key": 0,
>>>>>>>>>                     "val": {
>>>>>>>>>                         "start_part_num": 1,
>>>>>>>>>                         "start_ofs": 0,
>>>>>>>>>                         "part_size": 0,
>>>>>>>>>                         "stripe_max_size": 4194304,
>>>>>>>>>                         "override_prefix": ""
>>>>>>>>>                     }
>>>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>>>             ]
>>>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>>>         "attrs": {}
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> On 1/15/16 11:17 AM, Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> radosgw-admin object stat --bucket=<bucket> --object=<object>'
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