On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:18 PM, seapasu...@uchicago.edu
<seapasu...@uchicago.edu> wrote:
> if you set a RGW user to have abucket quota of 0 buckets you can still
> create buckets. The only way I have found to prevent a user from being able
> to create buckets is to set the op_mask to read. 1.) it looks like
> bucket_policy is not enforced when you have it set to anything below 1. It
> looks like the only way to prevent a user from creating buckets is to set
> the op_mask but this is not documented. How would I set the op_mask via the
> radosgw admin api? I keep getting a 200 success code but the op_mask of the
> user stays the same.
> relavent pastebins:
> http://pastebin.com/Rbzdy52c -- shows user info with bucket quota set but
> shows ability to create buckets.
> http://pastebin.com/J9K3dgdF -- shows inability to set op_mask from admin
> api (that or I don't know how)
> 1.) does anyone know how to set the op_mask via the admin api? 2.) why can I
> create what seems like an infinite amount of buckets when my bucket quota is
> set to 0 objects and 0 size? Shouldn't it be enforced for anything above -1?

That's not bucket quota, that's the user's max_buckets param. When
this value is set to '0' it means the user has no limit on the number
of the buckets. Sadly due to backward compatibility issue, having 0
mean something else is a bit problematic. We can probably add a new
bool param that will specify whether bucket creation is allowed at

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