Dear all,

I had to move .rgw.buckets.index pool to another structure; therefore, I created a new pool ; added the old pool as cache pool, and flushed the data.

Up to this moment everything was ok. With radosgw -p <pool> df, I saw the objects moving to the new pool; the moved objects where ok, I could list omap keys and so on.

When everything got moved, I removed the overlay cache pool. But at this moment, the objects became unresponsive:

[(13:39:20) ceph@spchaog1 ~]$ rados -p .rgw.buckets.index listomapkeys .dir.default.198764998.1 error getting omap key set .rgw.buckets.index/.dir.default.198764998.1: (5) Input/output error

That happens to all objects. When trying the access to the bucket through radosgw, I also get problems:

[(13:16:01) root@spcogp1 ~]# radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket="mybucket"
error getting bucket stats ret=-2

Looking at the disk, data seems to be there:

[(13:47:10) root@spcsnp1 ~]# ls /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-23/current/34.1f_head/|grep 198764998.1

Does anyone have a hint? Could I have lost ownership of the objects?



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