
Am 04.02.2016 um 12:59 schrieb Wade Holler:
> You referenced parallel writes for journal and data. Which is default
> for btrfs but but XFS. Now you are mentioning multiple parallel writes
> to the drive , which of course yes will occur.
Ah, that is good to know. So if I want to create more "parallelism" I
should use btrfs then. Thanks a lot, that's a very critical bit of
information :)

> Also Our Dell 400 Gb NVMe drives do not top out around 5-7 sequential
> writes as you mentioned. That would be 5-7 random writes from a drives
> perspective and the NVMe drives can do many times that.
Hm, I used the following fio bench from [1]:
fio --filename=/dev/sda --direct=1 --sync=1 --rw=write --bs=4k
--numjobs=1 --iodepth=1 --runtime=60 --time_based --group_reporting

Our disks showed the following bandwidths: (#<no> is the numjobs

#1: write: io=1992.2MB, bw=33997KB/s, iops=8499
#2: write: io=5621.6MB, bw=95940KB/s, iops=23984
#3: write: io=8062.8MB, bw=137602KB/s, iops=34400
#4: write: io=9114.1MB, bw=155545KB/s, iops=38886
#5: write: io=8860.7MB, bw=151169KB/s, iops=37792

Also for more jobs (tried up to 8) bandwidth stayed at around 150MB/s
and around 37k iops. So I figured that around 5 should be the sweet spot
in terms for journals on a single disk.

> I would park it at 5-6 partitions per NVMe , journal on the same disk.
> Frequently I want more concurrent operations , rather than all out
> throughput.
For journal on the same partition, should I limit the size of the
journal size? If yes, what should be the limit? Rather large or rather


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