Here is the roadmap

EOL is estimated. Or this is what i think of estimated retirement.

We are already running hammer. No issues here, except for cahce tier pool
with the promotion bug. Don't think the fix was backported to hammer as the
time of writing, although it might. Didn't test it again.

Are there stability issues with infernalis. As i know thw difference
between a LTS and a non-LTS release is that LTS has a longer life span and
fixes will be backported so no need for upgrading to the next release to
ger the patches. I thought Infernalis should be as stable as Hammer because
is an intermediarry release between LTS and not cutting-edge or nightly

So in your expirience no problem encountered in upgrading from hammer to
infernalis as i understand right?
On 4 Mar 2016 10:53, "Luis Periquito" <> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Mihai Gheorghe <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've got two questions!
> >
> > First. We are currently running Hammer in production. You are thinking of
> > upgrading to Infernalis. Should we upgrade now or wait for the next LTS,
> > Jewel? On ceph releases i can see Hammers EOL is estimated in november
> 2016
> > while Infernalis is June 2016.
> I don't know where you got this information but it seems wrong. From
> previous history the last 2 LTS versions are supported (currently
> Firefly and Hammer). That would mean that Hammer should be supported
> until the L version is released. Infernalis should be supported until
> the release of Jewel.
> > If i follow the upgrade procedure there should not be any problems,
> right?
> So far we've upgraded every version without issues. But past performance...
> >
> > Second. When Jewel LTS will be released, does anybody know if we can
> upgrade
> > straight from Hammer or first we need to upgrade to Infernalis and then
> > Jewel. If the latter is the case i see no reason not to upgrade now to
> > Infernalis and wait for Jewel release to upgrade again. This way we can
> take
> > advantage of the new features in Infernalis.
> Usually you can upgrade LTS -> LTS, so you should be able to go from
> Hammer to Jewel. The same should be true to Infernalis. However
> minimum versions may apply (like you need at least version 0.94.4 to
> upgrade to infernalis).
> >
> > Also what is the correct order of upgrading? Mons first then OSDs?
> Usually mons, then osds and then mds and radosgw. But if there's
> something different it'll be published in the release notes.
> >
> > Any input on the matter would be greatly apreciated.
> If it was me, depending on what you value most: if you prefer
> stability and a conservative approach I'd install Hammer. If you
> prefer features and performance I'd install Infernalis.
> As an example all major players (like Redhat, Fujitsu, Suse, etc) use
> only the LTS versions for their distros.
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> >
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