on an small test-system (3 nodes (mon + osd), 6 OSDs, ceph 0.94.6) I compare with and without cephx.

I use fio for that inside an VM on an host, outside the 3 ceph-nodes, with this command: fio --max-jobs=1 --numjobs=1 --readwrite=read --blocksize=4k --size=4G --direct=1 --name=fiojob_4k All test are run three times (after clearing caches) and I take the average (but the values are very close together).

cephx or not don't matter for an big blocksize of 4M - but for 4k!

If I disable cephx I got:
7040kB/s bandwith
564µS clat

The same config, but with cephx I see this values:
4265 kB/s bandwith
1066 IOPS
933µS clat

This shows, that the performance drop by 40% with cephx!!

To disable cephx is no alternative, because any system which have access to the ceph-network can read/write all data...

ceph.conf without cephx:
         auth_cluster_required = none
         auth_service_required = none
         auth_client_required = none
         cephx_sign_messages = false
         cephx_require_signatures = false
         cluster network =...

ceph.conf with cephx:
         auth client required = cephx
         auth cluster required = cephx
         auth service required = cephx
         cluster network =...

Is it possible to reduce the cephx impact?
Any hints are welcome.


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