
Anyone can assist on this?

Looking forward to your reply, thank you.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Cloud List <cloud-l...@sg.or.id> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am trying to setup older version of CloudStack 4.2.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 to
> use Ceph RBD as primary storage for our upgrade testing purposes. Two of
> the steps involved were to add below repository to manually compile libvirt
> to have RBD support, since the default libvirt on Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't have
> RBD support by default, unlike on Ubuntu 14.04:
> ====
> # wget -q -O- '
> https://ceph.com/git/?p=ceph.git;a=blob_plain;f=keys/release.asc' | sudo
> apt-key add -
> OK
> # echo deb http://eu.ceph.com/debian-cuttlefish/ $(lsb_release -sc) main
> | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list
> deb http://eu.ceph.com/debian-cuttlefish/ precise main
> ====
> But when I ran sudo apt-get update, I am receiving this error (excerpts):
> ====
> Err http://eu.ceph.com precise/main amd64 Packages
>   404  Not Found
> Err http://eu.ceph.com precise/main i386 Packages
>   404  Not Found
> W: Failed to fetch
> http://eu.ceph.com/debian-cuttlefish/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages
> 404  Not Found
> W: Failed to fetch
> http://eu.ceph.com/debian-cuttlefish/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages
> 404  Not Found
> E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old
> ones used instead.
> ====
> It seems that the repository for the particular required packages has been
> removed, anyone can advise if I can get the required packages, may be from
> a different location?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
> Cheers.
> -ip-
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