2016-06-15 22:59 GMT+02:00 Nick Fisk <n...@fisk.me.uk>:
> Possibly, but by how much? 20GB of bandwidth is a lot to feed 12x7.2k disks, 
> particularly if they start doing any sort of non-sequential IO.

Assuming 100MB/s for each SATA disk, 12 disks are 1200MB/s = 9600mbit/s
Why are you talking about 20Gb/s ? By using VLANs on the same port for
both public and cluster traffic,
i'll have 10Gb/s to share, but all disks can saturate the whole nic
(9600mbit/s on a 10000mbit/s network)

I can't aggregate 2 ports, or I have to buy stackable switches with
support for LAG across both switches, much more expansive.
And obviously I can't use only one switch. Network must be fault tollerance.

> I think you want to try and keep it simple as possible and make the right 
> decision 1st time round. Buy a TOR switch that will accommodate the number of 
> servers you wish to put in your rack and you should never have a need to 
> change it.
> I think there are issues when one of networks is down and not the other, so 
> stick to keeping each server terminating into the same switch for all its 
> connections, otherwise you are just inviting trouble to happen.

This is not good. a network could fail. In a HA cluster, network
failure must be taken in consideration.
What I would like to do is to unplug cable from switch 1 and plug to
switch 2. a couple of seconds max. (obviously switch2 will be
temporary connected to switch1)
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