On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 7:55 PM, Alex Gorbachev <a...@iss-integration.com> wrote:
> RBD illustration showing RBD ignoring discard until a certain
> threshold - why is that?  This behavior is unfortunately incompatible
> with ESXi discard (UNMAP) behavior.
> Is there a way to lower the discard sensitivity on RBD devices?
> root@e1:/var/log# rbd diff spin1/testdis|awk '{ SUM += $2 } END {
> print SUM/1024 " KB" }'
> 819200 KB
> root@e1:/var/log# blkdiscard -o 0 -l 4096 /dev/rbd28
> root@e1:/var/log# rbd diff spin1/testdis|awk '{ SUM += $2 } END {
> print SUM/1024 " KB" }'
> 819200 KB
> root@e1:/var/log# blkdiscard -o 0 -l 40960 /dev/rbd28
> root@e1:/var/log# rbd diff spin1/testdis|awk '{ SUM += $2 } END {
> print SUM/1024 " KB" }'
> 819200 KB
> root@e1:/var/log# blkdiscard -o 0 -l 409600 /dev/rbd28
> root@e1:/var/log# rbd diff spin1/testdis|awk '{ SUM += $2 } END {
> print SUM/1024 " KB" }'
> 819200 KB
> root@e1:/var/log# blkdiscard -o 0 -l 4096000 /dev/rbd28
> root@e1:/var/log# rbd diff spin1/testdis|awk '{ SUM += $2 } END {
> print SUM/1024 " KB" }'
> 819200 KB
> root@e1:/var/log# blkdiscard -o 0 -l 40960000 /dev/rbd28
> root@e1:/var/log# rbd diff spin1/testdis|awk '{ SUM += $2 } END {
> print SUM/1024 " KB" }'
> 782336 KB

Think about it in terms of underlying RADOS objects (4M by default).
There are three cases:

    discard range       | command
    whole object        | delete
    object's tail       | truncate
    object's head       | zero

Obviously, only delete and truncate free up space.  In all of your
examples, except the last one, you are attempting to discard the head
of the (first) object.

You can free up as little as a sector, as long as it's the tail:

Offset    Length  Type
0         4194304 data

# blkdiscard -o $(((4 << 20) - 512)) -l 512 /dev/rbd28

Offset    Length  Type
0         4193792 data


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