> Op 13 aug. 2016 om 03:19 heeft Bill Sharer <bsha...@sharerland.com> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> If all the system disk does is handle the o/s (ie osd journals are on 
> dedicated or osd drives as well), no problem.  Just rebuild the system and 
> copy the ceph.conf back in when you re-install ceph.  Keep a spare copy of 
> your original fstab to keep your osd filesystem mounts straight.

With systems deployed with ceph-disk/ceph-deploy you no longer need a fstab. 
Udev handles it.

> Just keep in mind that you are down 11 osds while that system drive gets 
> rebuilt though.  It's safer to do 10 osds and then have a mirror set for the 
> system disk.

In the years that I run Ceph I rarely see OS disks fail. Why bother? Ceph is 
designed for failure.

I would not sacrifice a OSD slot for a OS disk. Also, let's say a additional OS 
disk is €100.

If you put that disk in 20 machines that's €2.000. For that money you can even 
buy a additional chassis.

No, I would run on a single OS disk. It fails? Let it fail. Re-install and 
you're good again.

Ceph makes sure the data is safe.


> Bill Sharer
>> On 08/12/2016 03:33 PM, Ronny Aasen wrote:
>>> On 12.08.2016 13:41, Félix Barbeira wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm planning to make a ceph cluster but I have a serious doubt. At this 
>>> moment we have ~10 servers DELL R730xd with 12x4TB SATA disks. The official 
>>> ceph docs says:
>>> "We recommend using a dedicated drive for the operating system and 
>>> software, and one drive for each Ceph OSD Daemon you run on the host."
>>> I could use for example 1 disk for the OS and 11 for OSD data. In the 
>>> operating system I would run 11 daemons to control the OSDs. But...what 
>>> happen to the cluster if the disk with the OS fails?? maybe the cluster 
>>> thinks that 11 OSD failed and try to replicate all that data over the 
>>> cluster...that sounds no good.
>>> Should I use 2 disks for the OS making a RAID1? in this case I'm "wasting" 
>>> 8TB only for ~10GB that the OS needs.
>>> In all the docs that i've been reading says ceph has no unique single point 
>>> of failure, so I think that this scenario must have a optimal solution, 
>>> maybe somebody could help me.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> -- 
>>> Félix Barbeira.
>> if you do not have dedicated slots on the back for OS disks, then i would 
>> recomend using SATADOM flash modules directly into a SATA port internal in 
>> the machine. Saves you 2 slots for osd's and they are quite reliable. you 
>> could even use 2 sd cards if your machine have the internal SD slot 
>> http://www.dell.com/downloads/global/products/pedge/en/poweredge-idsdm-whitepaper-en.pdf
>> kind regards
>> Ronny Aasen
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