That's interesting, as I am getting the exact same errors after upgrading from Hammer 0.94.9 to Jewel 10.2.3 (on ubuntu 14.04).

I wondered if it was the issue referred to a few months ago here, but I'm not so sure, since the error returned from radosgw-admin commands is different:

I do have one radosgw which is still on 0.94.9 and still functions normally - is it possible that this is preventing the config migration alluded to in that thread? I'm reluctant to do anything to the still-working 0.94.9 gateway until I can get the 10.2.3 gateways working!


On 10/05/2016 04:23 PM, Andrei Mikhailovsky wrote:
Hello everyone,

I've just updated my ceph to version 10.2.3 from 10.2.2 and I am no
longer able to start the radosgw service. When executing I get the
following error:

2016-10-05 22:14:10.735883 7f1852d26a00  0 ceph version 10.2.3
(ecc23778eb545d8dd55e2e4735b53cc93f92e65b), process radosgw, pid 2711
2016-10-05 22:14:10.765648 7f1852d26a00  0 pidfile_write: ignore empty
2016-10-05 22:14:11.287772 7f1852d26a00  0 zonegroup default missing
zone for master_zone=
2016-10-05 22:14:11.294141 7f1852d26a00 -1 Couldn't init storage
provider (RADOS)

I had no issues starting rados on 10.2.2 and all versions prior to that.

I am running ceph 10.2.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS servers.

Could someone please help me with fixing the problem?



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