
After changing the pool size to 3, make sure the min_size is set to 1 to
allow 2 of the 3 hosts to be offline.

How many MONs do you have and are they on the same OSD hosts? If you
have 3 MONs running on the OSD hosts and two go offline, you will not
have a quorum of MONs and I/O will be blocked. 

I would also check your CRUSH map. I believe you want to make sure your
rules have "step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host" and not "... type osd"
so that replicas are on different hosts. I have not had to make that
change before so you will want to read up on it first. Don't take my
word for it.

Hope that helps. 


On 2016-11-23 1:32 pm, Kevin Olbrich wrote: 

> Hi, 
> just to make sure, as I did not find a reference in the docs: 
> Are replicas spread across hosts or "just" OSDs? 
> I am using a 5 OSD cluster (4 pools, 128 pgs each) with size = 2. Currently 
> each OSD is a ZFS backed storage array. 
> Now I installed a server which is planned to host 4x OSDs (and setting size 
> to 3). 
> I want to make sure we can resist two offline hosts (in terms of hardware). 
> Is my assumption correct? 
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards,
> Kevin Olbrich. 
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