Yes, size = 3, and I have checked that all three replicas are the same zero length object on the disk. I think some metadata info is mismatching what the OSD log refers to as "object info size". But I'm not sure what to do about it. pg repair does not fix it. In fact, the file this object corresponds to in CephFS is shorter so this chunk shouldn't even exist I think (details are in the original email). Although I may be understanding the situation wrong ...


On 12/21/2016 07:17 AM, Mehmet wrote:
Hi Andras,

Iam not the experienced User but i guess you could have a look on this object on each related osd for the pg, compare them and delete the Different object. I assume you have size = 3.

Then again pg repair.

But be carefull iirc the replica will be recovered from the primary pg.


Am 20. Dezember 2016 22:39:44 MEZ, schrieb Andras Pataki <>:

    Hi cephers,

    Any ideas on how to proceed on the inconsistencies below?  At the
    moment our ceph setup has 5 of these - in all cases it seems like
    some zero length objects that match across the three replicas, but
    do not match the object info size.  I tried running pg repair on
    one of them, but it didn't repair the problem:

        2016-12-20 16:24:40.870307 7f3e1a4b1700  0
        log_channel(cluster) log [INF] : 6.92c repair starts
        2016-12-20 16:27:06.183186 7f3e1a4b1700 -1
        log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : repair 6.92c
        6:34932257:::1000187bbb5.00000009:head on disk size (0) does
        not match object info size (3014656) adjusted for ondisk to
        2016-12-20 16:27:35.885496 7f3e17cac700 -1
        log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : 6.92c repair 1 errors, 0 fixed

    Any help/hints would be appreciated.



    On 12/15/2016 10:13 AM, Andras Pataki wrote:
    Hi everyone,

    Yesterday scrubbing turned up an inconsistency in one of our
    placement groups.  We are running ceph 10.2.3, using CephFS and
    RBD for some VM images.

    [root@hyperv017 ~]# ceph -s
        cluster d7b33135-0940-4e48-8aa6-1d2026597c2f
         health HEALTH_ERR
                1 pgs inconsistent
                1 scrub errors
                noout flag(s) set
         monmap e15: 3 mons at
                election epoch 27192, quorum 0,1,2
          fsmap e17181: 1/1/1 up {0=hyperv029=up:active}, 2 up:standby
         osdmap e342930: 385 osds: 385 up, 385 in
                flags noout
          pgmap v37580512: 34816 pgs, 5 pools, 673 TB data, 198 Mobjects
                1583 TB used, 840 TB / 2423 TB avail
                   34809 active+clean
                       4 active+clean+scrubbing+deep
                       2 active+clean+scrubbing
                       1 active+clean+inconsistent
      client io 87543 kB/s rd, 671 MB/s wr, 23 op/s rd, 2846 op/s wr

    # ceph pg dump | grep inconsistent
6.13f1 4692 0 0 0 0 16057314767 3087 3087 active+clean+inconsistent 2016-12-14 16:49:48.391572 342929'41011 342929:43966 [158,215,364] 158 [158,215,364] 158 342928'40540 2016-12-14
    16:49:48.391511      342928'40540    2016-12-14 16:49:48.391511

    I tried a couple of other deep scrubs on pg 6.13f1 but got
    repeated errors.  In the OSD logs:

    2016-12-14 16:48:07.733291 7f3b56e3a700 -1 log_channel(cluster)
    log [ERR] : deep-scrub 6.13f1
    6:8fc91b77:::1000187bb70.00000009:head on disk size (0) does not
    match object info size (1835008) adjusted for ondisk to (1835008)
    I looked at the objects on the 3 OSD's on their respective hosts
    and they are the same, zero length files:

    # cd ~ceph/osd/ceph-158/current/6.13f1_head
    # find . -name *1000187bb70* -ls
    669738    0 -rw-r--r--   1 ceph     ceph            0 Dec 13

    # cd ~ceph/osd/ceph-215/current/6.13f1_head
    # find . -name *1000187bb70* -ls
    539815647    0 -rw-r--r--   1 ceph     ceph            0 Dec 13

    # cd ~ceph/osd/ceph-364/current/6.13f1_head
    # find . -name *1000187bb70* -ls
    1881432215    0 -rw-r--r--   1 ceph     ceph            0 Dec 13

    At the time of the write, there wasn't anything unusual going on
    as far as I can tell (no hardware/network issues, all processes
    were up, etc).

    This pool is a CephFS data pool, and the corresponding file
    (inode hex 1000187bb70, decimal 1099537300336) looks like this:

    # ls -li chr4.tags.tsv
    1099537300336 -rw-r--r-- 1 xichen xichen 14469915 Dec 13 17:01

    Reading the file is also ok (no errors, right number of bytes):
    # cat chr4.tags.tsv > /dev/null
    # wc chr4.tags.tsv
      592251  2961255 14469915 chr4.tags.tsv

    We are using the standard 4MB block size for CephFS, and if I
    interpret this right, this is the 9th chunk, so there shouldn't
be any data (or even a 9th chunk), since the file is only 14MB. Should I run pg repair on this? Any ideas on how this could come
    about? Any other recommendations?




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