Ok, thank you. I thought I have to set ceph to a tunables profile. If I’m 
right, then I just have to export the current crush map, edit it and import it 
again, like:

ceph osd getcrushmap -o /tmp/crush
crushtool -i /tmp/crush --set-choose-total-tries 100 -o /tmp/crush.new
ceph osd setcrushmap -i /tmp/crush.new

Is this right or not?

I started this cluster with these 3 nodes and each 3 osds. They are vms. I knew 
that this cluster would expand very big, that’s the reason for my choice for 
ceph. Now I can’t add more HDDs to the vm hypervisor and I want to separate the 
nodes physically too. I bought a new node with these 4 drives and now another 
node with only 2 drives. As I hear now from several people this was not a good 
idea. For this reason, I bought now additional HDDs for the new node, so I have 
two with the same amount of HDDs and size. In the next 1-2 months I will get 
the third physical node and then everything should be fine. But at this time I 
have no other option. 

May it help to solve this problem by adding the 2 new HDDs to the new ceph node?

> Am 11.01.2017 um 12:00 schrieb Brad Hubbard <bhubb...@redhat.com>:
> Your current problem has nothing to do with clients and neither does
> choose_total_tries.
> Try setting just this value to 100 and see if your situation improves.
> Ultimately you need to take a good look at your cluster configuration
> and how your crush map is configured to deal with that configuration
> but start with choose_total_tries as it has the highest probability of
> helping your situation. Your clients should not be affected.
> Could you explain the reasoning behind having three hosts with one ods
> each, one host with two osds and one with four?
> You likely need to tweak your crushmap to handle this configuration
> better or, preferably, move to a more uniform configuration.
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 5:38 PM, Marcus Müller <mueller.mar...@posteo.de> 
> wrote:
>> I have to thank you all. You give free support and this already helps me.
>> I’m not the one who knows ceph that good, but everyday it’s getting better
>> and better ;-)
>> According to the article Brad posted I have to change the ceph osd crush
>> tunables. But there are two questions left as I already wrote:
>> - According to
>> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rados/operations/crush-map/#tunables there
>> are a few profiles. My needed profile would be BOBTAIL (CRUSH_TUNABLES2)
>> wich would set choose_total_tries to 50. For the beginning better than 19.
>> There I also see: "You can select a profile on a running cluster with the
>> command: ceph osd crush tunables {PROFILE}“. My question on this is: Even if
>> I run hammer, is it good and possible to set it to bobtail?
>> - We can also read:
>>  - v0.55 or later, including bobtail series (v0.56.x)
>>  - Linux kernel version v3.9 or later (for the file system and RBD kernel
>> clients)
>> And here my question is: If my clients use librados (version hammer), do I
>> need to have this required kernel version on the clients or the ceph nodes?
>> I don’t want to have troubles at the end with my clients. Can someone answer
>> me this, before I change the settings?
>> Am 11.01.2017 um 06:47 schrieb Shinobu Kinjo <ski...@redhat.com>:
>> Yeah, Sam is correct. I've not looked at crushmap. But I should have
>> noticed what troublesome is with looking at `ceph osd tree`. That's my
>> bad, sorry for that.
>> Again please refer to:
>> http://www.anchor.com.au/blog/2013/02/pulling-apart-cephs-crush-algorithm/
>> Regards,
>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 1:50 AM, Samuel Just <sj...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Shinobu isn't correct, you have 9/9 osds up and running.  up does not
>> equal acting because crush is having trouble fulfilling the weights in
>> your crushmap and the acting set is being padded out with an extra osd
>> which happens to have the data to keep you up to the right number of
>> replicas.  Please refer back to Brad's post.
>> -Sam
>> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 11:08 PM, Marcus Müller <mueller.mar...@posteo.de>
>> wrote:
>> Ok, i understand but how can I debug why they are not running as they
>> should? For me I thought everything is fine because ceph -s said they are up
>> and running.
>> I would think of a problem with the crush map.
>> Am 10.01.2017 um 08:06 schrieb Shinobu Kinjo <ski...@redhat.com>:
>> e.g.,
>> OSD7 / 3 / 0 are in the same acting set. They should be up, if they
>> are properly running.
>> # 9.7
>> <snip>
>> "up": [
>>     7,
>>     3
>> ],
>> "acting": [
>>     7,
>>     3,
>>     0
>> ],
>> <snip>
>> Here is an example:
>> "up": [
>>  1,
>>  0,
>>  2
>> ],
>> "acting": [
>>  1,
>>  0,
>>  2
>> ],
>> Regards,
>> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Marcus Müller <mueller.mar...@posteo.de>
>> wrote:
>> That's not perfectly correct.
>> OSD.0/1/2 seem to be down.
>> Sorry but where do you see this? I think this indicates that they are up:
>> osdmap e3114: 9 osds: 9 up, 9 in; 4 remapped pgs?
>> Am 10.01.2017 um 07:50 schrieb Shinobu Kinjo <ski...@redhat.com>:
>> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 3:44 PM, Marcus Müller <mueller.mar...@posteo.de>
>> wrote:
>> All osds are currently up:
>>  health HEALTH_WARN
>>         4 pgs stuck unclean
>>         recovery 4482/58798254 objects degraded (0.008%)
>>         recovery 420522/58798254 objects misplaced (0.715%)
>>         noscrub,nodeep-scrub flag(s) set
>>  monmap e9: 5 mons at
>> {ceph1=,ceph2=,ceph3=,ceph4=,ceph5=}
>>         election epoch 478, quorum 0,1,2,3,4
>> ceph1,ceph2,ceph3,ceph4,ceph5
>>  osdmap e3114: 9 osds: 9 up, 9 in; 4 remapped pgs
>>         flags noscrub,nodeep-scrub
>>   pgmap v9981077: 320 pgs, 3 pools, 4837 GB data, 19140 kobjects
>>         15070 GB used, 40801 GB / 55872 GB avail
>>         4482/58798254 objects degraded (0.008%)
>>         420522/58798254 objects misplaced (0.715%)
>>              316 active+clean
>>                4 active+remapped
>> client io 56601 B/s rd, 45619 B/s wr, 0 op/s
>> This did not chance for two days or so.
>> By the way, my ceph osd df now looks like this:
>> 0 1.28899  1.00000  3724G  1699G  2024G 45.63 1.69
>> 1 1.57899  1.00000  3724G  1708G  2015G 45.87 1.70
>> 2 1.68900  1.00000  3724G  1695G  2028G 45.54 1.69
>> 3 6.78499  1.00000  7450G  1241G  6208G 16.67 0.62
>> 4 8.39999  1.00000  7450G  1228G  6221G 16.49 0.61
>> 5 9.51500  1.00000  7450G  1239G  6210G 16.64 0.62
>> 6 7.66499  1.00000  7450G  1265G  6184G 16.99 0.63
>> 7 9.75499  1.00000  7450G  2497G  4952G 33.52 1.24
>> 8 9.32999  1.00000  7450G  2495G  4954G 33.49 1.24
>>           TOTAL 55872G 15071G 40801G 26.97
>> MIN/MAX VAR: 0.61/1.70  STDDEV: 13.16
>> As you can see, now osd2 also went down to 45% Use and „lost“ data. But I
>> also think this is no problem and ceph just clears everything up after
>> backfilling.
>> Am 10.01.2017 um 07:29 schrieb Shinobu Kinjo <ski...@redhat.com>:
>> Looking at ``ceph -s`` you originally provided, all OSDs are up.
>> osdmap e3114: 9 osds: 9 up, 9 in; 4 remapped pgs
>> But looking at ``pg query``, OSD.0 / 1 are not up. Are they something
>> That's not perfectly correct.
>> OSD.0/1/2 seem to be down.
>> like related to ?:
>> Ceph1, ceph2 and ceph3 are vms on one physical host
>> Are those OSDs running on vm instances?
>> # 9.7
>> <snip>
>> "state": "active+remapped",
>> "snap_trimq": "[]",
>> "epoch": 3114,
>> "up": [
>>   7,
>>   3
>> ],
>> "acting": [
>>   7,
>>   3,
>>   0
>> ],
>> <snip>
>> # 7.84
>> <snip>
>> "state": "active+remapped",
>> "snap_trimq": "[]",
>> "epoch": 3114,
>> "up": [
>>   4,
>>   8
>> ],
>> "acting": [
>>   4,
>>   8,
>>   1
>> ],
>> <snip>
>> # 8.1b
>> <snip>
>> "state": "active+remapped",
>> "snap_trimq": "[]",
>> "epoch": 3114,
>> "up": [
>>   4,
>>   7
>> ],
>> "acting": [
>>   4,
>>   7,
>>   2
>> ],
>> <snip>
>> # 7.7a
>> <snip>
>> "state": "active+remapped",
>> "snap_trimq": "[]",
>> "epoch": 3114,
>> "up": [
>>   7,
>>   4
>> ],
>> "acting": [
>>   7,
>>   4,
>>   2
>> ],
>> <snip>
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> -- 
> Cheers,
> Brad

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