cephmailinglist  writes:
>     e) find /var/lib/ceph/ ! -uid 64045 -print0|xargs -0  chown ceph:ceph
> [...]

> [...] Also at that time one of our pools got a lot of extra data,
> those files where stored with root permissions since we did not
> restarted the Ceph daemons yet, the 'find' in step e found so much
> files that xargs (the shell) could not handle it (too many arguments).

I've always found it disappointing that xargs behaves like this on many
GNU/Linux distributions.  I always thought xargs's main purpose in life
was to know how many arguments can safely be passed to a process...

Anyway, you should be able to limit the number of arguments per
invocation by adding something like "-n 100" to the xargs command line.

Thanks for sharing your upgrade experiences!
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