Hi Alexandro,

As I understand you are planning NVMe for Journal for SATA HDD and collocated 
journal for SATA SSD?

Option 1:
- 24x SATA SSDs per server, will have a bottleneck with the storage 
bus/controller.  Also, I would consider the network capacity 24xSSDs will 
deliver more performance than 24xHDD with journal, but you have the same 
network capacity on both types of nodes.
- This option is a little easier to implement: just move nodes in different 
CRUSHmap root
- Failure of a server (assuming size = 3) will impact all PGs
Option 2:
- You may have noisy neighbors effect between HDDs and SSDs, if HDDs are able 
to saturate your NICs or storage controller. So be mindful of this with the 
hardware design
- To configure the CRUSHmap for this you need to split each server in 2, I 
usually use “server1-hdd” and “server1-ssd” and map the right OSD in the right 
bucket, so a little extra work here but you can easily fix a “crush location 
hook” script for it (see example 
- In case of a server failure recovery will be faster than option 1 and will 
impact less PGs

Some general notes:
- SSD pools perform better with higher frequency CPUs
- the 1GB of RAM per TB is a little outdated, the current consensus for HDD 
OSDs is around 2GB/OSD (see 
- Network wise, if the SSD OSDs are rated for 500MB/s and use collocated 
journal you could generate up to 250MB/s of traffic per SSD OSD (24Gbps for 12x 
or 48Gbps for 24x) therefore I would consider doing 4x10G and consolidate both 
client and cluster network on that


On 23/03/17 18:55, "ceph-users on behalf of Alejandro Comisario" 
<ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com on behalf of alejan...@nubeliu.com> wrote:

    Hi everyone!
    I have to install a ceph cluster (6 nodes) with two "flavors" of
    disks, 3 servers with SSD and 3 servers with SATA.
    Y will purchase 24 disks servers (the ones with sata with NVE SSD for
    the SATA journal)
    Processors will be 2 x E5-2620v4 with HT, and ram will be 20GB for the
    OS, and 1.3GB of ram per storage TB.
    The servers will have 2 x 10Gb bonding for public network and 2 x 10Gb
    for cluster network.
    My doubts resides, ar want to ask the community about experiences and
    pains and gains of choosing between.
    Option 1
    3 x servers just for SSD
    3 x servers jsut for SATA
    Option 2
    6 x servers with 12 SSD and 12 SATA each
    Regarding crushmap configuration and rules everything is clear to make
    sure that two pools (poolSSD and poolSATA) uses the right disks.
    But, what about performance, maintenance, architecture scalability, etc ?
    thank you very much !
    ceph-users mailing list

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