
I found two bugs when testing out Lua object class. I am running with Ceph
11.2.0. Can anybody take a look at them?


Bug 1: I can not get returned output in the first script. "data" is always

import rados, json
> cluster = rados.Rados(conffile='')
> cluster.connect()
> ioctx = cluster.open_ioctx('data')
> cmd = {
>     "script": """
>         function test(input, output)
>             data = bufferlist.new()
>             data:append("test")
>             objclass.write_full(data, #data)
>             output:append("Here is the return value")
>         end
>         objclass.register(test)
>     """,
>     "handler": "test",
>     "input": "",
> }
> # I can not get returned data
> ret, data = ioctx.execute('test', 'lua', 'eval_json', json.dumps(cmd))
> print ret, data

> cmd = {
>     "script": """
>         function test(input, output)
>             output:append("Here is the return value")
>         end
>         objclass.register(test)
>     """,
>     "handler": "test",
>     "input": "",
> }
> # I can get returned data
> ret, data = ioctx.execute('test', 'lua', 'eval_json', json.dumps(cmd))
> print ret, data

Bug 2:
The returned mtime is always 0.

cmd = {
>     "script": """
>         function test(input, output)
>             size, mtime = objclass.stat()
>             output:append(tostring(size))
>             output:append(tostring(","))
>             output:append(tostring(mtime))
>         end
>         objclass.register(test)
>     """,
>     "handler": "test",
>     "input": "",
> }
> ret, data = ioctx.execute('test', 'lua', 'eval_json', json.dumps(cmd))
> print ret, data
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