Hi All,
   First, some background:
       I have been running a small (4 compute nodes) xen server cluster
backed by both a small ceph (4 other nodes with a total of 18x 1-spindle
osd's) and small gluster cluster (2 nodes each with a 14 spindle RAID
array). I started with gluster 3-4 years ago, at first using NFS to access
gluster, then upgraded to gluster FUSE. However, I had been facinated with
ceph since I first read about it, and probably added ceph as soon as XCP
released a kernel with RBD support, possibly approaching 2 years ago.
       With Ceph, since I started out with the kernel RBD, I believe it
locked me to Bobtail tunables. I connected to XCP via a project that tricks
XCP into running LVM on the RBDs managing all this through the iSCSI mgmt
infrastructure somehow... Only recently I've switched to a newer project
that uses the RBD-NBD mapping instead. This should let me use whatever
tunables my client SW support AFAIK. I have not yet changed my tunables as
the data re-org will probably take a day or two (only 1Gb networking...).

   Over this time period, I've observed that my gluster backed guests tend
not to consume as much of domain-0's (the Xen VM management host) resources
as do my Ceph backed guests. To me, this is somewhat intuitive  as the ceph
client has to do more "thinking" than the gluster client. However, It seems
to me that the IO performance of the VM guests is well outside than the
difference in spindle count would suggest. I am open to the notion that
there are probably quite a few sub-optimal design choices/constraints
within the environment. However, I haven't the resources to conduct all
that many experiments and benchmarks.... So, over time I've ended up
treating ceph as my resilient storage, and gluster as my more performant
(3x vs 2x replication, and, as mentioned above, my gluster guests had
quicker guest IO and lower dom-0 load).

    So, on to my questions:

   Would setting my tunables to jewel (my present release), or anything
newer than bobtail (which is what I think I am set to if I read the ceph
status warning correctly) reduce my dom-0 load and/or improve any aspects
of the client IO performance?

   Will adding nodes to the cluster ceph reduce load on dom-0, and/or
improve client IO performance (I doubt the former and would expect the

   So, why did I bring up gluster at all? In an ideal world, I would like
to have just one storage environment that would satisfy all my
organizations needs. If forced to choose with the knowledge I have today, I
would have to select gluster. I am hoping to come up with some actionable
data points that might help me discover some of my mistakes which might
explain my experience to date and maybe even help remedy said mistakes. As
I mentioned earlier, I like ceph, more so than gluster, and would like to
employ more within my environment. But, given budgetary constraints, I need
to do what's best for my organization.

   Thanks in advance,
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